sábado, febrero 28, 2009

Little Star

Algunas veces me acuerdo de ÉL con esta rola

Little star, so you had to go.
You must have wanted him to know.
You must have wanted the world to know
Poor little thing.
Now they know.
Little star,
I had to close my eyes.
There was a fire at the warehouse.
They're always waiting for a thing like this.
Came driving from all over town,
For you, little star.
Little star, you, little star. (Sax solo)
Little star
So you had to go
You must have wanted him to know
You must have wanted the world to know
Poor little thing
And now they know
Laudamus, adorramus te, Dominec.
Laudamus benedicimus
Domine Deus.
Laudamus benedicimus
Domine Deus.
Cum Sancto Spiritu, in gloria Dei Patris.
For you, little star...

Para la pequeña estrella que alguna vez fue parte de mi firmamento.

No hay comentarios.:

Discurso de Jaime López para presentar el libro "Crónica Biciteka" de Georgina Hidalgo. (Producciones El Salario del Miedo, 2021.) Lugar: Fonda El Convite. Fecha: 20 de octubre de 2021.

              ACERCA DE LA CRÓNICA BICITEKA DE GEORGINA HIDALGO VIVAS                                                                     ...