No volveré a descuidar mi blog...lo juro por mi virginidad perdida.
Una noche, mis amigos y yo íbamos de rol por Guadalajara tras una intensa comilona de mariscos con whisky y Bailey's incluidos donde acabamos pagando más de 2000 pesos de cuenta en medio de una tertulia plagada de anécdotas tontas, temas de sociopolítica (¡en serio!) y carcajadas idiotas. Conocimos a una señora fashion y buena onda con una bella hija actriz amateur radicada en Los Ángeles, (ciudad que visité hace algunos años, invitada de la FIL 2009) que sorprendentemente entendían nuestro humor pacheco-pendejo. Al darnos ride al hotel pusieron el nuevo disco de Shakira donde viene esta rola que me gustó. La letra no debería aplicarse sólo en L.A. en mi humilde punto de vista, sino en cualquier parte del mundo... una semana después no dejaba de pensar en esta frase: Give me a night that I won't forget!
Is there a prince in this fable
For a small town girl like me?
The good ones are gone or not able...
and Matt Damon's not meant for me
Damon's not meant for me (Damnit!)
I got to say
Is a place that I respect
Come on LA, take advantage
Give me a night that I won't forget
I went to look
From the Sky Bar to the Standard, nothing took
These boys don't care
Got a handful with their projects and with their looks
Where are all the men in this town?
And what's a girl supposed to do?
Did they all run off when they knew
That I was coming round, coming round?
Where are all the men in this town?
And what's a girl supposed to do?
Did they all run off when they knew
That I was coming round, coming round?
I'm so fresh, I'm so clean
Got the lips and got the skin
Got the skin got that thing
I'm so fresh and I'm so...
Is there a prince in this fable
For a small town girl like me?
The good ones are gone or not able...
and Matt Damon's not meant for me (Damnit again!)
I never dreamed that I'd come here to become the next Jolie
But I sure know there's someone, around somewhere who's meant to be
Where are all the men in this town?
And what's a girl supposed to do?
Did they all run off when they knew
That I was coming round, coming round?
Where are all the men in this town?
And what's a girl supposed to do?
Did they all run off when they knew
That I was coming round, coming round?
I'm so fresh, I'm so clean
Got the lips and got the skin
Got the skin got that thing
I'm so fresh and I'm so...
I'm so fresh, I'm so clean
Got the lips and got the skin
Got the skin got that thing
I'm so fresh and I'm so...
So they say
It's a suicide, waiting, others say
It's a suicide, waiting, yo no se
It's a suicide, waiting, another day
It's a suicide, waiting
So decide, it's a suicide waiting, all this time
It's a suicide, waiting, ¿donde estás?
It's a suicide, waiting, so decide
It's a suicide, waiting
"Me niego a vivir como una mujer ordinaria, a establecer relaciones ordinarias. Necesito el éxtasis. Soy una neurótica, en el sentido de que vivo en mi mundo. No me adaptaré a él. Me adapto a mí misma". Anais Nin
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Discurso de Jaime López para presentar el libro "Crónica Biciteka" de Georgina Hidalgo. (Producciones El Salario del Miedo, 2021.) Lugar: Fonda El Convite. Fecha: 20 de octubre de 2021.

Antes de que Torreón, mi ciudad natal cayera en manos de la delincuencia organizada, se contaban historias como ésta: un caso de corr...
Está bien fea, sí...pero fue la envidia de muchos. Lo que unas piernas con medias de red son capaces de provocar ¿Y empinada cuánto? Sexy az...
Cuando te alejas mucho tiempo del lugar donde naciste no vuelves a verlo jamás de la misma forma. Suena a una obviedad, pero me doy cuenta q...
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