jueves, noviembre 06, 2014

Un año más sin tí (1948-2009)

I ran from my house that cannot contain me
from my aunt who haunts me, even though she's gone

I ran from the noise and silence
and the traffic on the streets

I ran and I ran, I was looking for me
I ran to the cementery and held my breath

I ran and I ran, I'm still running away...

(Mer girl-Madonna)

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Discurso de Jaime López para presentar el libro "Crónica Biciteka" de Georgina Hidalgo. (Producciones El Salario del Miedo, 2021.) Lugar: Fonda El Convite. Fecha: 20 de octubre de 2021.

              ACERCA DE LA CRÓNICA BICITEKA DE GEORGINA HIDALGO VIVAS                                                                     ...