martes, noviembre 12, 2013

I know it's over

I know it's over and it never really began but in my heart it was so real...
And you really spoke to me and said:
If you're so funny then why on your own tonight?
And if you're so clever then why are you on your own tonight?
And if you're so very entertaining, then why are you on your own tonight?
If you're so very good-looking, why do you sleep alone tonight?
I know:
'cause tonight it's like any other night
It's so easy to laugh, so easy to hate...

Love is natural and real but not for you, my love, not tonight my love
love is natural and real but not for such as you and I, my love...

Oh mother I can feel the soil falling over my head!...

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Discurso de Jaime López para presentar el libro "Crónica Biciteka" de Georgina Hidalgo. (Producciones El Salario del Miedo, 2021.) Lugar: Fonda El Convite. Fecha: 20 de octubre de 2021.

              ACERCA DE LA CRÓNICA BICITEKA DE GEORGINA HIDALGO VIVAS                                                                     ...